Hey there,

I'm Kristi Winfree,

and I'm thrilled to welcome you to my world of entrepreneurship and real estate.

Here's a little glimpse into my journey and why I'm so passionate about helping you succeed.

Hey there,

I'm Kristi Winfree,

and I'm thrilled to welcome you to my world of entrepreneurship and real estate.

Here's a little glimpse into my journey and why I'm so passionate about helping you succeed.


The Real Estate Vision

My journey in the world of real estate began with a dream of becoming a Real Estate Agent. Like many, I was drawn to the idea of helping people find their perfect homes and making their homeownership dreams come true. So, I obtained my license, ready to embark on this exciting path.

From Agent to Real Estate Assistant Productivity Coach

However, as they say, sometimes life takes you on unexpected journeys. It didn't take long for me to realize that while I loved real estate, my true passion lay in a different facet of the industry. That's when I became a Real Estate Assistant Productivity Coach.

In this role, I honed my skills in helping agents streamline their processes, manage their time efficiently, and maximize their productivity.

Discovering My Calling as a Transaction Coordinator

While coaching was fulfilling, I felt a magnetic pull towards something even more aligned with my strengths. That's when I discovered the role of a Transaction Coordinator. It was as if I had found my true calling in the world of real estate.

Thriving as a Transaction Coordinator

Transitioning from a coach to a Transaction Coordinator was a pivotal moment in my career.

I found my niche, my sweet spot, the place where I truly thrived.

As a Transaction Coordinator, I was in the heart of the action, managing the intricate details of transactions, ensuring that every 'i' was dotted and every 't' was crossed. It was exhilarating.

Thriving as a Transaction Coordinator

Transitioning from a coach to a Transaction Coordinator was a pivotal moment in my career.

I found my niche, my sweet spot, the place where I truly thrived.

As a Transaction Coordinator, I was in the heart of the action, managing the intricate details of transactions, ensuring that every 'i' was dotted and every 't' was crossed. It was exhilarating.


Turning Challenges into Opportunities


Of course, it wasn't all smooth sailing.

The world of real estate transactions can be like navigating through a maze, with ever-evolving regulations and client expectations.

But I was determined to turn these challenges into opportunities for growth.

Becoming Your Guide

Now, I'm here to share my multifaceted journey with you. Whether you're already a Transaction Coordinator, an aspiring Transaction Coordinator, or a Real Estate Agent wanting to enhance your systems and processes I want to be your guide, your mentor, and your partner in success.

Together, we'll navigate this intricate world, master the art of transaction coordination, and build a rewarding career.

Let's Connect

I believe that success is sweeter when shared, and I'm excited to share this multifaceted journey with you.

Let's connect, learn, and grow together. Feel free to explore my courses and resources, tune into the podcast, and don't hesitate to reach out.

I'm just a message away.

Thank you for being a part of my world, and here's to turning your dreams into reality!



Kristi Winfree


Let's keep the conversation going. Connect with me on social media.


Kristi Winfree


Don't hesitate to reach out. I'm just a message away at [email protected] or send me a DM on Instagram.